Frequently Asked Questions

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Dragon codes and markup
  • How can I create a game diagram?
    Dragon allows to embed game diagrams in messages, the forums and to use for shape-games using a simple text-based format. This so-called "goban-format" is basically the same format used on Sensei`s Library to draw go diagram.
    Also see help entries:

    A goban is constructed by using the <igoban>-tag. In the example below you can see an example for the notation.
    The SL1 attribute in the tag stands for Sensei's Library version 1:
    <igoban SL1>
    $$ Nadare joseki
    $$ +-
    $$ . . . . . . .
    $$ . . . . . . .
    $$ . . . 1 6 . .
    $$ . . 5 4 . . .
    $$ . . 3 2 . . .
    $$ . . . . . . .
    Nadare joseki
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