Frequently Asked Questions

Search Terms: in language (English)
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Dragon searching
  • What is the syntax of a TEXT-filter?
    Syntax for this kind of filter allows searching for textual values (for example 'game'). Optional additional syntaxes allows a substring-search, text-ranges or a search for text with wildcards.
    Possible syntaxes in the hover text of a specific filter:
    1. Syntax[TEXT]: foo
    2. Syntax[TEXT]: foo, -bar, baz-, boo-far
    3. Syntax[TEXT]: ... fa*z* ...
    4. Syntax[TEXT]: ... *goo ...
    5. Syntax[TEXT]: [substring] ...

    The first syntax only allows an exact search for a specific text, while the second syntax also allows to search for text values that cover ranges in alpha-numeric order. The '-' is used as a special character to indicate a range:
    • -bar = search for values <= 'bar'
    • baz- = search for values >= 'baz'
    • boo-far, d-f = search for values between 'boo' and 'far', or 'd' and 'f' (inclusive)

    The third and fourth syntax allow to use wildcards to search for a text-value. The '*' represents the special wildcard character.
    • fa*z* = search for texts beginning with 'fa', followed by none or any other characters up to a 'z' and some optional trailing text. The wildcard character can be escaped using single quotes: fa'*'z* or 'fa*z'*
    • *goo, *goo{3} = search for text that begins with an arbitrary text and ends in the text 'goo'. Normally a leading wildcard character is not allowed, because that is an expensive search in terms of server-load. So it is only allowed, if '*goo' appears in the hover-text for a filter-element.
      If the '*goo' is followed by a number in curly braces in the hover-text, then there must be at least that count of non-wildcard characters in the search-text to allow the search to use an optimized search.
    • As '-' and '*' are special characters indicating a range search or wildcard search, they can't be used for the respective characters. You can use single quotes to escape the special meaning.
      For example: 'd-jig' would find exactly that text (not a range). '-a'-'-c' searches for a text range from '-a' up to '-c', 'd*star' or d'*'star would escape the wildcard.
    • The '*'-wildcard has precedence over the '-'-range character, so a '-' used together with a wildcard-character results in the '-' character and not in a range search.

    The fifth syntax allows a search for a substring and is a shortcut to write '*text*' with the fourth syntax.
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