Frequently Asked Questions

Search Terms: in language (English)
search only in original english FAQ (in case of untranslated entries)

Dragon searching
  • How can I search the forums?
    Go to the forum search page and enter the terms you are looking for in the form-element "Search terms". For the terms a special search technique is used, that is known as full-text search for the underlying database. The term is only searched in the text elements that are comprised of the Subject and Body of a post message in the forums.
    The found text passages are highlighted (but only for search terms).
    The forum term search uses a special full-text search.
    To find a message written on a certain date, date range or written by a certain user, you have to use the filter-elements "Date" and "Author" respectively.
    With the "Order"-element you are allowed to change the order of the shown posts.
    With the "Number of hits"-element you can specify how many found posts per page are shown. The total number of found posts will be shown in the top bar. At the right side in the top and bottom bar you will find links to navigate to the previous or next page of results.
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