Dragon games
- What are the items on the Status page?
A users own Status page can only be viewed by the user himself or herself. The top of the status page shows the user-id, name and rating of the current user. If the user is currently on vacation, additional vacation information in a format similar to the user-info page. Right below the first three unread bulletins are shown (if there are some). The next section shows new and unanswered messages of the user as configured in the Edit folders page. The next section contains a list of all the games, where it's your turn to move. Here's a brief explanation of the table columns: - ID: The game id.
- sgf: A link to download the game (without all comments).
- Notes: The starting part of your private notes optionally stored for a game.
- Opponent: Your opponents full real name.
- Userid: Your opponents userid.
- Rating: Your opponents current rating.
- Color: Your color in the game.
- GameType: The game-type.
- Size: The size of the goban for the game.
- Handicap: The number of handicap stones for the game.
- Komi: The komi for the game.
- Moves: The number of moves made so far for the game.
- Rated: Indicating, if the game is rated or unrated.
- (User online): The presence of this icon shows, that the user was online within the last 10 minutes. Hovering over it shows a tooltip with the precise last access in minutes.
- Last move: Date of the last move of your opponent.
- Prio: show optional game priority a user can set for own running games.
- Time remaining: Indicates how much time you have left to play in the game. The format is similar to that in the waiting room (see "Time limit" in waiting room item descriptions). The difference is, that only the main-time is shown on the status page. When the main-time is up, then the extra time is displayed according to the waiting room item description.
Worth noting for the status page is, that sorting of the game list is not possible at the moment, because the order must be bound to the "Skip to next game" on the respective game pages, which isn't that easy to do and almost always not very efficient using some different sorting.
- What are the items on the Games page?
The Games page actually is a page showing different views on all the games on the Dragon Go Server: - All running games
- All finished games
- My running games or that of another user: To see these games start on the corresponding user-info page -> Follow the link "Running games" from the right info-box
- My finished games of that of another user: To see these games start on the corresponding user-info page -> Follow the link "Finished games" from the right info-box
- Show Games I'm observing.
- Show All observed games.
The configuration of table columns for the different views can be very different: the " all" and " user-specific finished games" use the same set of added and hidden columns. If you add a column that is shared by both views, the column is added in both (same is true for removing a shared column). The same applies for the " all" and "user-specific running games". Here's a brief explanation of all used table columns shared or differently used for all the six views described above. Pick out the ones, you are interested in (they are not strictly ordered but grouped a bit to avoid redundancy): - ID: The game id.
- (game information): Linked to game-info page. If the game is a shape-game an extra-icon () is shown. With JavaScript enabled, hovering over the icons shows a thumbnail of the current game (or initial shape) with black and white moves and prisoners.
- (hidden game comments): The presence of this icon shows, that there are hidden comments for a finished game.
- (attached SGF): the presence of this icon signals, that there are attached SGFs stored for the game
- sgf: A link to download the game (without all comments).
- #Observers: Number of observers for observed games.
- #Mine: Number of my games, that are observed.
- Notes: The starting part of your private notes optionally stored for a game.
- Black name, White name, Opponent: The full name of a player.
- Black userid, White userid, Userid: The login-ID (nickname) of a player.
- Black start rating, White start rating, Start rating: The rating of a player before the game has started.
- Black end rating, White end rating, End rating: The new calculated rating of a player after a game has finished.
- Black rating, White rating, Rating: The current rating of a player.
- Black rating diff, White rating diff, Rating Diff: The rating difference applied on a player for a finished game.
- Colors: Showing a two-colored stone icon for the running games of myself or another user.
- Color: Showing a single-colored stone indicating the players color in the game, for which the game is shown (myself or another user).
- GameType: The game-type.
- Size: The size of the goban for the game.
- Handicap: The number of handicap stones for the game.
- Komi: The komi for the game.
- Moves: The number of moves made so far in the game.
- Score: The result of the game (won or lost by white or black or jigo). Valid formats for score are:
- B+R or W+R : Black or White won by Resignation,
- B+T or W+T : Black or White won by timeout,
- B+<num> or W+<num> : Black or White won by points <num>-value, e.g. B+0.5, W+17 or
- Jigo
- Win?: Shows an icon for a players win-status (myself or for another user):
- (a green tickmark): won game
- (a red X-cross): lost game
- (a blue dash): jigo
- Rated: Indicating, if the game is rated or unrated.
- Last Move: Date of the last move in the game.
- End date: Date of the last move in a finished game.
- Opponents Last Access: Date of opponents last access in running games for myself or another user.
- Weekend Clock: Showing the chosen Weekend clock option for the game.
- Prio: show optional game priority a user can set for own running games.
- My time remaining, Opponent time remaining: Time remaining for myself or opponent of my running games.
- How can I change the order of the status games?
Below the table listing with the status games on the status page you choose an order from the right select-box and click " Set Order" button to change the order. The order for table listings can normally be changed with a click on the table-column header description. For the status-games this standard way was not possible, because the order of the status games is "bound" to the " Submit and go to next game" on the game-page. Changing the status game order also changes the order for the other status game lists via RSS channel, via WAP channel, via Quick-Status and via the Quick-Do-Suite. Available status games orders are: - Last moved: This is the default order and sorts the games with the "oldest" move date first.
- Moves: Sorts the status games by number of game moves. The game with the most moves is at the top of the list. This can be used to prefer the games that are to end soon.
- Priority: Sorts the status games by a user customized priority, that can be set per game on the game-info page. The priority can also be shown for the my running games page.
- Time remaining: Sorts the status games by your remaining time. The remaining time of your opponent can be viewed on the page with my running games.
- How can I order the status games by a customized priority?
Your running games can be ordered by a numeric priority, that can be set by the user on the respective game-info page for each of your own games. Below the Game settings section you find an input field to enter a numeric priority in the range of [-32768..32767] and the " Set priority" button to save it. Please note, that the priority value of "0" is shown as an empty field. When a game is finished, the game priority will be automatically deleted. The game priority can be used on the pages: - status page: The status games can be ordered by the game priority. In this case, the priority column is automatically shown. Otherwise the priority table column is normally hidden.
- my running games page: The priority table column is normally hidden. Here a normal sort with a click on the table header is possible as no special handling is required like for the status page.
- What are Observed games?
This feature allows you to set up a bookmark list of running games. You can observe other players' and your own games. If a game is observed, a link "Show observers" shows up at the bottom on the game-page. To add a game to your observed game list, first find a game in progress and click on the " Add to observe list" link. To remove a game from your observed game list, look at the game you want to remove and click the " Remove from observe list" link. To see your observed game list, click on Status or Games and follow the page bottom link " Games I'm observing". A list of all observed games with the number of observers per game is available on the Games page when you follow the page bottom link " All observed games". You can only observe running games. When a game ends it is removed automatically from the observed games lists. When an observed game is finished Dragon sends you a message to notify you about the final score.
- How can I find fair-komi games?
To find or to search for fair-komi games you can use the filter-value " Fair Komi" in the select filter of the " Game Type" column in the game table listings on the waiting room or on the game list pages. Fair-komi games are shown as " Go (Fair Komi)" in the respective Game Type column (including the status page).
- How can I add a game review (SGF) for a game?
On the game page follow the bottom-link ' Attach SGF'. This opens a new page where you can add, update and delete a SGF with a game review. You can add public game reviews for running and finished games. A table listing on that page shows all available uploaded SGFs from yourself and other users. These SGFs can be downloaded by clicking on the according -icon shown in the table. When you upload a SGF, various checks are performed to ensure the SGF matches the Dragon game: - The SGF must be syntactically valid.
- The SGF must not be larger than 100 KB.
- The board size, handicap, komi, handicap-setup, shape-setup and some of the moves are checked, from which all must be identical to the Dragon game.
- Per game and user one SGF is allowed, so more than one user can upload game reviews. If you already uploaded a SGF it will be overwritten.
So the best way to create a review is: - Download the SGF. Please be careful what download you use, otherwise you may unintentionally publish private game comments. Therefore it's important you read about the different ways to download a SGF!
- Edit and save the downloaded SGF locally with your favorite SGF-editor
- Upload the edited SGF with the game review.
- The server checks the SGF. Validation errors are reported. If there are no problems, the uploaded SGF is stored under your name and is publicly available for download.
Related topics:
- How can I find game reviews (SGFs) attached to games?
The game page and the various game listings shows a -icon, if there are attached SGFs with game reviews to download. The icon is linked to the page to download the stored SGFs: - On the game page, the icon is shown below the game board to the right of the 'View move'-button and to the left of the 'Comments'-link. The tooltip of the icon shows how many attached SGFs are available.
- On the game listings, the icon is shown in the separate column 'Attached SGF'.
To find games with attached SGFs you can use the filter-checkbox in the ' Attached SGF'-column in the game listings. This is possible for all game listings (my/all running/finished/observing/observed games). Please be aware, that some of the game listings have further filter restrictions per default for the end-date. You can use the following links to find games with attached SGFs (without default end-date restrictions):
- What is the meaning of the two-colored stones icon in my running games list?
The two white and black stone on top of each other ( / / / ) in the running games list indicate, what your color in the game is and who is to play next. When you place your mouse (cursor) over the image, a hover text is shown describing the meaning. The color of the top stone shows your color. The color of the stone below shows which color has to make the next move. So, when both colors are the same, it's your turn!
- What are the items on the game-info page?
Each game has a game-info page showing additional information. On the game page the -icon in the players info box as well as the bottom-link "Show game info" opens the respective game-info page for the game. The game-info page is divided into four sections. Here's a brief explanation of the most important fields for each section: Game settings: (not all fields are shown at all times) - Double Game ID: for games started as double game this field gives the game-id linked to the sister game. If the sister-game has been deleted, the game-ID is given but the link is disabled.
- Message: if the game was started by invitation, this field is linked to the last message of the invitation-process for the game
- Game Type: normal Go, Team-Go or Zen-Go
- Status: game finished, running or in fair-komi negotiation phase
- Score: game-result for finished games; if the game was finished by a game-admin the text "set by admin" is added.
- Weekend Clock: No = weekend-clock stopped on weekend, Yes = clock also runs on weekend
Time settings and Remaining time: shows the time-settings and remaining time for both colors - Color: the 2nd column shows which color (player) has to move currently
Players: shows some information of the current black and white player - On vacation: vacation info of the players
- Off-time: contains icons indicating if the clock of the players is ticking, see When are my game clocks counted down?
- Start Rating: shows the rating of the players when the game was started
- End Rating, Rating diff: shows the rating of the players and the rating-diff when the game ended.
- Komi bid: contains information of fair-komi negotiation for fair-komi games.
Section to set the games priority for running game lists: see How can I order the status games by a customized priority? The game-info page has also two bottom-links to start a new game or invitation with the same game settings.
- What are all those items on the page showing a single game?
The game page showing a single game of yourself is divided into three big sections. The parts may differ a bit, if your viewing a game as observer or player that made the last move: - The goban with the moves made so far in the game. If it's your turn you can play a move and submit it.
- Private game notes to store additional information about the ongoing or finished game. Those notes can only be seen by you and nobody else. The notes can be shown to the right or below the goban and configured differently for smaller and larger board sizes.
The notes can be hidden with "Hide notes" and made visible with "Show notes". Use the "Save notes" button to store them in the database or your changes are lost.
- Below these items, there is selectbox to navigate to other moves in the game. Select a move, then press the "View move" button.
When you have JavaScript enabled, simply selecting the move triggers the viewing of the move (no need to click the button nearby).
- A separate comment link shows all the game messages in a separate window together with the corresponding move number, a colored stone indicating who made the comment and the comment itself. Hidden comments can only be seen by yourself. The same rules as for downloading a SGF with comments apply here.
The next section contains a game info box with some game-related information and the competing players: - The first line shows a black stone with the black players full name, userid and current rating. To the right, the number of the imprisoned stones is shown.
On a second line, the "Time remaining" is shown for the black player (the same format is used on the status page game list). The byo-yomi is only shown, when the main-time is up. - Below that, the same information is given for the white player.
- The box is finalized below with information about the komi, number of handicap stones and if the game is rated or unrated. The last line provides the full time limit of the game. The format is the same as the "Time limit" in the waiting room game offer list.
- An additional optional section is appended to show added time, that was granted by your opponent or that you granted your opponent.
The last section describe the page bottom links. They differ over the lifetime of a game and are also dependent on who views the game page (the player to move next, the player who moved last or an observer). An observing user can only: - "Download the SGF" of the game
- Add the game to his or her observe list
The player who moved last in the game can only: - "Download the SGF" or "Download the SGF with all comments" of the game
The player who is next to move can do more actions of course: - Skip to next game: Loads the next game in which the player has to move
- Pass: Pass a move. This normally is the first step in scoring a game. Do this when you think the game is over and should be scored now. After passing you have to confirm the action (with an optional message).
- Resign: Resign the game. This must be confirmed (with an optional message).
- "Download the SGF" or "Download the SGF with all comments" of the game
Both players can do at any time:
- Will Dragon notify me when it is my turn?
- How do I know that there are hidden or secret game comments?
A game can have hidden and secret comments written by the players using the <hidden>hidden comment</hidden> <mysecret>secret comment</mysecret> tags (or the short-forms <h>hidden comment</h> and <m>secret comment</m>) in move messages. The hidden comments are visible by the author and to other users only after the game has finished. The secret comments are visible by the author and to the game opponents only after the game has finished but are never visible to all other users. Hidden and secret comments for a game are shown: - On the list with all finished games and my finished games there's a column "(Hidden comments)" in the table listing, that can be added. In the column the -icon appears for games with hidden or secret comments. Hover with the mouse over the icon to see the tooltip telling what kind of comments are in the game.
With the filter in the table-header it's also possible to search for games with hidden/secret comments.
- On the game-page right to the Comments link the -icon appears if there are hidden or secret game comments (for finished games only).
- In the game end message that the system sends to all players and observers after a game has been finished, a hint is included, that the game contains hidden comments. A hint for secret comments is also included in the mails to the players, but is not sent to the observers.
- Can I reject a win of a game?
When you are winning a rated game by a timeout of your opponent, the game will be changed to unrated (" timeout rejected") if the losing opponent did not move in any of his games for a certain amount of time (X days). The number of days the loser has not moved in any game can be configured in the user profile with the " Reject win by timeout" setting. To put the option into effect, it must also be activated with the checkbox for that option. The current state of that feature configuration is shown on the user-info page in the field " Reject win by timeout". It's a private data field, which is not shown to other users (to avoid that users are "pressed" into some behavior). Shown values are either " disabled" or " X days". The motivation for this feature option was to give the winner the chance to say: " I don't want points I have not earned (simply because my opponent timed out)." Examples: - Choose X=0 (days), if you ALWAYS want to reject wins on timeouts.
- Choose X=7 (days), means that the game is counted as timeout when the opponent last moved within the last 7 days. The win will be "rejected" when the opponents last-move is older than 7 days.
- The higher X is, the more likely it is, that the opponent is not returning or left the server.
So choosing a X > 0 assumes the opponent does not want or waits finishing the game within the last X days. In which case you wouldn't want to treat it as timeout-rejection and take the (rated) win.