Frequently Asked Questions

Search Terms: in language (English)
search only in original english FAQ (in case of untranslated entries)

Dragon user preferences
  • I set the wrong language and can't find my way back now. What can I do?
    You can revert most DGS pages to English by adding "?language=en" as an argument to the end of its URL.
    This can be used:
    • To display the edit page for your user profile in English.
      This page can be used to recover from an erroneous language selection.
    • To verify whether the DGS translators have made an accurate translation of a page. For instance this link
      will take you to the DGS introduction in English.
    • To temporarily select another language, but remember that you must also have the appropriate character set installed. This feature is more useful to DGS translators. For instance, adding “?language=de” to the end of a DGS URL displays that page in German.
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