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Dragon shape games
  • What are all those items on the page showing a single shape?
    Viewing a single shape from the list of shapes shows a table with the shape attributes, a view of the game board with the shape and to the right of it optional shape notes describing it.
    Here's a brief explanation of the shape attributes:
    • Source: shape-id used to identify a saved shape
    • Author: author of the shape with link to his or her user-info page. Only the author of a shape can change it, though other users can use it.
    • Shape Name: User-given name of the shape.
    • Board Size: the board dimension for the shape. This should not be changed, because it cuts off the shape in unpredictable ways.
    • Flags: shape flags:
      * W-First: indicates, that the White-player moves first for this shape.
      * Public: marks the shape as public, otherwise it's private and will not be shown per default on the shapes list
    • Created / Last changed: date when the shape was first created or last changed.
    • Shape Notes: description and notes about the shape. Will be shown on the shapes list as well marked by (img)-icon.

    To edit the shape, follow the bottom-link "Edit shape". All above shape attributes can be changed on the shape edit page, except of the goban itself.
    To change the goban (game-board) of the shape, you have use the bottom-link "Show in Goban Editor" and then re-save it.
    Follow the bottom-link "Invite" to start a new invitation with the current shape.
    Follow the bottom-link "New Shape-Game" to create a new game in the waiting-room with the current shape. On the new game page you then can switch to other views to create a shape-game as multi-player-game or as fair-komi game.
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