Frequently Asked Questions

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Dragon codes and markup
  • Can I use HTML tags on Dragon?
    Dragon allows the use of some HTML tags. There are also some tags that are specific to Dragon. A tag is a special code within the text of a webpage. A tag tells the web-browser how to display or what to do with a given part of the webpage. Normally a tag has this format:
    <tag>Text that gets affected by the tag</tag>

    Tags are usable at the following places on Dragon:
    • in the user bio
    • in the user info, the field "Rank Info"
    • in the user info, the field "Open for matches"
    • in messages directly to another member
    • in messages in an ongoing game
    • in the forums
    • in the comment of the game offerings in the waiting room

    If you include HTML tags and entities or use any of the Dragon tags please remember to adhere to the rules and syntax of HTML. Mostly this will mean including end-tags where that is proper.
  • Which HTML tags can I use on Dragon?
    Here is a list of HTML tags that can be used on Dragon, with examples. Giving complete descriptions of the various HTML tags is not within the scope of the FAQ. For reference on HTML, visit The World Wide Web Consortium.
    <b>This is bold text</b>
    This is bold text
    <u>This is underlined text</u>
    This is underlined text
    <i>This is italic text</i>
    This is italic text
    <em>This is emphasized text</em>
    This is emphasized text
    <strong>This is strong text</strong>
    This is strong text
    <tt>This is single-line text in a fixed-width font</tt>
    This is single-line text in a fixed-width font
    <strike>This is striked text</strike>
    This is striked text
    <pre>This is multi-line
    preformatted text
    in a fixed-width font.</pre>
    This is mulit-line
    preformatted text
    in a fixed-width font.

    <font color="red">This is red text</font>
    <font color="orange">This is orange text</font>
    <font color="yellow">This is yellow text</font>
    <font color="green">This is green text</font>
    <font color="blue">This is blue text</font>
    <font color="indigo">This is indigo text</font>
    <font color="violet">This is violet text</font>
    <font color="white">This is white text</font>
    <font color="black">This is black text</font>
    This is red text
    This is orange text
    This is yellow text
    This is green text
    This is blue text
    This is indigo text
    This is violet text
    This is white text
    This is black text
    Brackets: &lt; &gt;
    Brackets: < >
    Ampersand: &amp;
    Ampersand: &
    Non-breaking space: >&nbsp;<
    Non-breaking space: > <
    Horizontal Line: <hr>

    <li>This is an unordered list
    <li>This is an unordered list
    <li>This is an unordered list
    <li>This is an unordered list
    <li>This is an unordered list
    • This is an unordered list
    • This is an unordered list
    • This is an unordered list
    • This is an unordered list
    • This is an unordered list

    <li>This is an ordered list
    <li>This is an ordered list
    <li>This is an ordered list
    <li>This is an ordered list
    <li>This is an ordered list
    1. This is an ordered list
    2. This is an ordered list
    3. This is an ordered list
    4. This is an ordered list
    5. This is an ordered list

    This is an ordinary link:
    < |Dragon Go Server>
    This is an ordinary link: Dragon Go Server
    This is another ordinary link:
    <a href="">Dragon Go Server</a>
    This is another ordinary link: Dragon Go Server
  • Which Dragon tags can I use?
    This is a simple link: <>
    This is a simple link:
    <color #c07f32>Other color</color>
    <color #acacac>Other color</color>
    <color #f03571>Other color</color>
    <color #003399>Other color</color>
    Other color
    Other color
    Other color
    Other color
    Complete description of color codes available at
    <quote>This is some quoted text</quote>
    This is some quoted text

    <image board/b.gif>
    <image board/w.gif>
    <image board/y.gif>
    <image send.gif>
    The tag for Dragon images shows images from the Dragon images directory. The board-prefix shows board-images of size 17. No remote images can be shown.
    All the grey rectangles are generated using the <code> tag. Text within the <code> and </code> tags is displayed "as is" with one exception; the </code> tag itself.
    <code>Example of code</code> will display as:
    Example of code
  • How can I create a link to an arbitrary Dragon page?
    Use the <home> and </home> Dragon tags. Here are a few examples.
    <home userinfo.php>User info page</home>
    User info page
    <home forum/index.php>Forum main page</home>
    Forum main page
    <home faq.php>FAQ</home>
    <home people.php>Contributors to Dragon</home>
    Contributors to Dragon
  • How can I create a link to a users info page?
    Use the <user> Dragon tag. Here are a few examples.
    <user 1>
    Guest (guest)
    <user =guest>
    Guest (guest)
    With a "=" it is the user-ID (handle) that must be entered.
    Without a "=" it is the numeric ID of a user that must be entered.
  • How can I create a link to send a message to a user?
    Use the <send> Dragon tag. Here are a few examples.
    <send 1>
    Guest (guest)
    <send =guest>
    Guest (guest)
    NB! The Guest user is only used as example here. You can't actually send a message to the guest account.
    With a "=" it is the user-ID (handle) that must be entered.
    Without a "=" it is the numeric ID of a user that must be entered.
  • How can I create a link to a game?
    Use the <game GID> - Dragon tag to link to a game.
    Use the <game GID,move> - Dragon tag to link to a certain move in a game.
    Use the <game GID,S> - Dragon tag to link to the setup-position of a shape-game.
    If you are in the context of submitting a move for a game, you can also use the shorter form to link to a specific move of the game with:
    <move 45> or <move S> respectively
    This will be substituted with the corresponding markup of the current game: <game GID,move>
    Here are a few examples:
    <game 13339>
    Go: Erik O (W) vs. Ragnar Ouchterlony (B)
    <game 13339,40>
    Go: Erik O (W) vs. Ragnar Ouchterlony (B), Move #40
    <game 774894,S>
    Go: Ayashii (W) vs. Julio Martinez (B), Shape-Setup
    Examples in context of the current game (13339) you may also use:
    <move 40>
    Go: Erik O (W) vs. Ragnar Ouchterlony (B), Move #40
    <move S>
    Go: Erik O (W) vs. Ragnar Ouchterlony (B), Shape-Setup
  • How can I make a link open a new window?
    Add a "_" (underscore) to the Dragon tag name at the right place in the tag-name.
    These links will open in the current window:
    <home faq.php>FAQ</home>
    <user 1>
    <send 1>
    <game 13339>
    < |Sensei`s Library>
    Guest (guest)
    Guest (guest)
    Go: Erik O (W) vs. Ragnar Ouchterlony (B)
    Sensei`s Library
    These links will open in a new window:
    <home_ faq.php>FAQ</home>
    <user_ 1>
    <send_ 1>
    <game_ 13339>
    <_ |Sensei`s Library>
    Guest (guest)
    Guest (guest)
    Go: Erik O (W) vs. Ragnar Ouchterlony (B)
    Sensei`s Library
    Dragon automatically colors these links olive to distinguish them from normal links.
  • How can I embed images in texts?
    An image tag is available, but it can only show the images on Dragon (not from remote images). For description see Which Dragon tags can I use?.
  • How can I create a game diagram?
    Dragon allows to embed game diagrams in messages, the forums and to use for shape-games using a simple text-based format. This so-called "goban-format" is basically the same format used on Sensei`s Library to draw go diagram.
    Also see help entries:

    A goban is constructed by using the <igoban>-tag. In the example below you can see an example for the notation.
    The SL1 attribute in the tag stands for Sensei's Library version 1:
    <igoban SL1>
    $$ Nadare joseki
    $$ +-
    $$ . . . . . . .
    $$ . . . . . . .
    $$ . . . 1 6 . .
    $$ . . 5 4 . . .
    $$ . . 3 2 . . .
    $$ . . . . . . .
    Nadare joseki
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