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Dragon games
  • What are the items on the game-info page?
    Each game has a game-info page showing additional information. On the game page the (img)-icon in the players info box as well as the bottom-link "Show game info" opens the respective game-info page for the game.
    The game-info page is divided into four sections. Here's a brief explanation of the most important fields for each section:
    Game settings: (not all fields are shown at all times)
    • Double Game ID: for games started as double game this field gives the game-id linked to the sister game. If the sister-game has been deleted, the game-ID is given but the link is disabled.
    • Message: if the game was started by invitation, this field is linked to the last message of the invitation-process for the game
    • Game Type: normal Go, Team-Go or Zen-Go
    • Status: game finished, running or in fair-komi negotiation phase
    • Score: game-result for finished games; if the game was finished by a game-admin the text "set by admin" is added.
    • Weekend Clock: No = weekend-clock stopped on weekend, Yes = clock also runs on weekend

    Time settings and Remaining time: shows the time-settings and remaining time for both colors
    • Color: the 2nd column shows which color (player) has to move currently

    Players: shows some information of the current black and white player
    • On vacation: vacation info of the players
    • Off-time: contains icons indicating if the clock of the players is ticking, see When are my game clocks counted down?
    • Start Rating: shows the rating of the players when the game was started
    • End Rating, Rating diff: shows the rating of the players and the rating-diff when the game ended.
    • Komi bid: contains information of fair-komi negotiation for fair-komi games.

    Section to set the games priority for running game lists:
    see How can I order the status games by a customized priority?
    The game-info page has also two bottom-links to start a new game or invitation with the same game settings.
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